Only clients from domain * are allowed to communicate with this registered program (and the local application server too). CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL: Die OCS-Datei ist in der EPS-Inbox nicht vorhanden; vermutlich wurde sie gelscht. 1. other servers had communication problem with that DI. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Its location is defined by parameter 'gw/reg_info'. Part 7: Secure communication In summary, if the Simulation Mode is deactivated (parameter gw/sim_mode = 0; default value), the last implicit rule from the RFC Gateway will be Deny all as mentioned above, at the RFC Gateway ACLs (reginfo and secinfo) section. Sobald dieses Recht vergeben wurde, taucht die Registerkarte auch auf der CMC-Startseite wieder auf. Um diese Website nutzen zu knnen, aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript. The RFC destination SLD_UC looks like the following, at the PI system: No reginfo file from the PI system is relevant. Based on the original Gateway log files in the system, default values can be determined and generated for the ACL files directly after the evaluation of the data found. In production systems, generic rules should not be permitted. This is defined by the letter, which servers are allowed to register which program aliases as a Registered external RFC Server. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. Please assist me how this change fixed it ? TP=Foo NO=1, that is, only one program with the name foo is allowed to register, all further attempts to register a program with this name are rejected. To prevent the list of application servers from tampering we have to take care which servers are allowed to register themselves at the Message Server as an application server. The local gateway where the program is registered always has access. *. secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven . The RFC destination would look like: The secinfo files from the application instances are not relevant. Alerting is not available for unauthorized users. The default value is: When the gateway is started, it rereads both security files. All other programs from host are not allowed to be registered. Besttigen Sie den auftauchenden Hinweis und vergeben Sie fr die gewnschten Gruppen zumindest das folgende Recht: Allgemein --> Allgemein --> Objekte Anzeigen. The simulation mode is a feature which could help to initially create the ACLs. This page contains information about the RFC Gateway ACLs (reginfo and secinfo files), the Simulation Mode, as well as the workflow showing how the RFC Gateway works with regards to the ACLs versus the Simulation Mode. Even if the system is installed with an ASCS instance (ABAP Central Services comprising the message server and the standalone enqueue server), a Gateway can still be configured on the ASCS instance. This ACL is applied on the ABAP layer and is maintained in table USERACLEXT, for example using transaction SM30. P means that the program is permitted to be registered (the same as a line with the old syntax). While it is common and recommended by many resources to define this rule in a custom reginfo ACL as the last rule, from a security perspective it is not an optimal approach. Please assist ASAP. This would cause "odd behaviors" with regards to the particular RFC destination. SMGW-->Goto -->External Functions --> External Security --> Maintenance of ACL files --> pop-up is shown as below: "Gateway content and file content for reginfo do not match starting with index " (xx is the index value shown in the pop-up), Gateway, Security, length, line, rule, limit, abap , KBA , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , Problem. Access attempts coming from a different domain will be rejected. Sie knnen anschlieend die Registerkarten auf der CMC-Startseite sehen. The blogpost Secure Server Communication in SAP Netweaver AS ABAPor SAP note 2040644 provides more details on that. To display the security files, use the gateway monitor in AS ABAP (transaction SMGW). The reginfo file is holding rules controlling which remote servers (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to either register, access or cancel which Registered Server Programs (based on their program alias (also known as TP name)). Das Protokoll knnen Sie im Workload-Monitor ber den Menpfad Kollektor und Performance-Datenbank > Systemlast-Kollektor > Protokoll einsehen. In case the files are maintained, the value of this parameter is irrelevant; and with parmgw/reg_no_conn_info, all other sec-checks can be disabled =>SAP note1444282, obviously this parm default is set to 1 ( if not set in profile file ) in kernel-773, I wasted a whole day unsuccessfully trying to configure the (GW-Sec) in a new system, sorry for my bad mood. The wildcard * should be strongly avoided. It seems to me that the parameter is gw/acl_file instead of ms/acl_file. Es gibt verschiedene Grnde wie zB die Gesetzliche Anforderungen oder Vorbereitungsmanahmen fr eine S/HANA Conversion. Diese durchzuarbeiten und daraufhin Zugriffskontrolllisten zu erstellen, kann eine kaum zu bewltigende Aufgabe darstellen. Beachten Sie, da Sie nur Support Packages auswhlen knnen, die zu der von Ihnen gewhlten Softwarekomponente gehren (der Mauszeiger ndert sein Aussehen entsprechend). Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. Da das aber gewnscht ist, mssen die Zugriffskontrolllisten schrittweise um jedes bentigte Programm erweitert werden. The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. Ergebnis Sie haben eine Queue definiert. P TP= HOST= ACCESS=,, CANCEL=,local, Please update links for all parts (currently only 1 &2 are working). Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. The default rule in prxyinfo ACL (as mentioned in part 4) is enabled if no custom ACL is defined. This is defined in, how many Registered Server Programs with the same name can be registered. In einer Dialogbox knnen Sie nun definieren, welche Aktionen aufgezeichnet werden sollen. This is an allow all rule. RFCs between RFC clients using JCo/NCo or Registered Server Programs and the AS ABAP are typically controlled on network level only. Zu jedem Lauf des Programms RSCOLL00 werden Protokolle geschrieben, anhand derer Sie mgliche Fehler feststellen knnen. It registers itself with the program alias IGS. at the RFC Gateway of the same application server. Help with the understanding of the RFC Gateway ACLs (Access Control Lists) and the Simulation Mode, in order to help prepare production systems to have these security features enabled without disruptions. In some cases any application server of the same system may also need to de-register a Registered Server Program, for example if the reginfo ACL was adjusted for the same Registered Server Program or if the remote server crashed. SMGW-->Goto -->External Functions --> External Security --> Maintenance of ACL files --> pop-up is shown as below: "Gateway content and file content for reginfo do not match starting with index <xx>" (xx is the index value shown in the . This parameter will allow you to reproduce the RFC Gateway access and see the TP and HOST that the access is using hence create the rules in the reginfo or secinfo file; 5)The rules defined in the reginfo or secinfo file can be reviewed in colored syntactic correctness. The order of the remaining entries is of no importance. When using SNC to secure logon for RFC Clients or Registered Server Programs the so called SNC User ACL, also known as User Authentication, is introduced and must be maintained accordingly. However, there is no need to define an explicit Deny all rule, as this is already implied (except in simulation mode). The related program alias can be found in column TP Name: We can verify if the functionality of these Registered RFC Server programs is accessible from the AS ABAP by looking for a TCP/IP connection in transaction SM59 with Technical Settings Activation Type = Registered Server Program the corresponding Program ID and either no Gateway Options or connection details to any of the RFC Gateways belonging to the same system set: Please note: If the AS ABAP system has more than one application servers and therefore also more than one RFC Gateways there may be scenarios in which the Registered Server Program is registered at one specific RFC Gateway only. This could be defined in. In these cases the program alias is generated with a random string. Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail Thus, part of your reginfo might not be active.The gateway is logging an error while performing name resolution.The operating system / DNS took 5 seconds to reply - 5006ms per the error message you posted; and the response was "host unknown".If the "HOST" argument on the reginfo rule from line 9 has only one host, then the whole rule is ignored as the Gateway could not determine the IP address of the server.Kind regards. secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven . Auch hier ist jedoch ein sehr groer Arbeitsaufwand vorhanden. Please follow me to get a notification once i publish the next part of the series. Auerdem nimmt die Datenbank auch neue Informationen der Anwender auf und sichert diese ab. If we do not have any scenarios which relay on this use-case we are should disable this functionality to prevent from misuse by setting profile parameter gw/rem_start = DISABLED otherwise we should consider to enforce the usage of SSH by setting gw/rem_start = SSH_SHELL. P USER=* USER-HOST=internal,local HOST=internal,local TP=*. After an attack vector was published in the talk SAP Gateway to Heaven from Mathieu Geli and Dmitry Chastuhin at OPDCA 2019 Dubai ( the RFC Gateway security is even more important than ever. 3. Legal Disclosure |
Only the first matching rule is used (similarly to how a network firewall behaves). As we learnt before the reginfo and secinfo are defining rules for very different use-cases, so they are not related. Always document the changes in the ACL files. Host Name (HOST=, ACCESS= and/or CANCEL=): The wildcard character * stands for any host name, * for a domain, sapprod for host sapprod. As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail. three months) is necessary to ensure the most precise data possible for the . For this reason, as an alternative you can work with syntax version 2, which complies with the route permission table of the SAProuter. They are: The diagram below shows the workflow of how the RFC Gateway works with the security rules and the involved parameters, like the Simulation Mode. Support Packages fr eine ausgewhlte Komponente werden entsprechend ihrer Reihenfolge in die Queue gestellt. Part 3: secinfo ACL in detail Unfortunately, in this directory are also the Kernel programs saphttp and sapftp which could be utilized to retrieve or exfiltrate data. Die erstellten Log-Dateien knnen im Anschluss begutachtet und daraufhin die Zugriffskontrolllisten erstellt werden. You must keep precisely to the syntax of the files, which is described below. RFCs between two SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP systems are typically controlled on network level only. Then the file can be immediately activated by reloading the security files. Hinweis: Whlen Sie ber den Button und nicht das Dropdown-Men Gewhren aus! Here, activating Gateway logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate period (e.g. In this case, the secinfo from all instances is relevant as the system will use the local RFC Gateway of the instance the user is logged on to start the tax program. This opensb the Gateway ACL Editor, where you can display the relevant files.. To enable system-internal communication, the files must contain the . If no access list is specified, the program can be used from any client. All programs started by hosts within the SAP system can be started on all hosts in the system. Here, activating Gateway logging and evaluating the log file over an appropriate period (e.g. Evaluate the Gateway log files and create ACL rules. Most common use-case is the SAP-to-SAP communication, in other words communication via RFC connections between SAP NetWeaver AS systems, but also communication from RFC clients using the SAP Java Connector (JCo) or the SAP .NET Connector (NCo) to SAP NetWeaver systems. You can define the file path using profile parameters gw/sec_infoand gw/reg_info. D prevents this program from being started. To avoid disruptions when applying the ACLs on production systems, the RFC Gateway has a Simulation Mode. There is an SAP PI system that needs to communicate with the SLD. Every attribute should be maintained as specific as possible. At time of writing this can not be influenced by any profile parameter. Part 7: Secure communication Spielen Sie nun die in der Queue stehenden Support Packages ein [Seite 20]. It is configured to start the tax calculation program at the CI of the SAP system, as the tax system is installed only there. So lets shine a light on security. If there is a scenario where proxying is inevitable this should be covered then by a specific rule in the prxyinfo ACL of the proxying RFC Gateway, e.g.,: P SOURCE= DEST=internal,local. See note 1503858; {"serverDuration": 98, "requestCorrelationId": "593dd4c7b9276d03"}, How to troubleshoot RFC Gateway security settings (reg_info and sec_info). After the external program was registered, the ACCESS and CANCEL options will be followed as defined in the rule, if a rule existed. In diesem Blog-Beitrag werden zwei von SAP empfohlene Vorgehensweisen zur Erstellung der secinfo und reginfo Dateien aufgefhrt mit denen die Security Ihres SAP Gateways verstrkt wird und wie der Generator dabei hilft. As a result many SAP systems lack for example of proper defined ACLs to prevent malicious use. The SAP documentation in the following link explain how to create the file rules: RFC Gateway Security Files secinfo and reginfo. Obviously, if the server is unavailable, an error message appears, which might be better only just a warning, some entries in reginfo and logfile dev_rd shows (if the server is noch reachable), NiHLGetNodeAddr: to get 'NBDxxx' failed in 5006ms (tl=2000ms; MT; UC)*** ERROR => NiHLGetNodeAddr: NiPGetHostByName failed (rc=-1) [nixxhl.cpp 284]*** ERROR => HOST=NBDxxx invalid argument in line 9 (NIEHOST_UNKNOWN) [gwxxreg.c 2897]. Program cpict4 is not permitted to be started. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security. Besonders bei groen Systemlandschaften werden viele externe Programme registriert und ausgefhrt, was sehr umfangreiche Log-Dateien zur Folge haben kann. This way, each instance will use the locally available tax system. Thus, if an explicit Deny rule exists and it matches the request being analyzed by the RFC Gateway, the RFC Gateway will deny the request. 1408081 - Basic settings for reg_info and sec_info 1702229 - Precalculation: Specify Program ID in sec_info and reg_info. Program foo is only allowed to be used by hosts from domain * Wir untersttzen Sie gerne bei Ihrer Entscheidungen. In the previous parts we had a look at the different ACLs and the scenarios in which they are applied. Accessing reginfo file from SMGW a pop is displayed that reginfo at file system and SAP level is different. Limiting access to this port would be one mitigation. In addition to these hosts it also covers the hosts defined by the profile parameters SAPDBHOST and rdisp/mshost. Immediately activated by reloading the security files jedem Lauf des Programms RSCOLL00 werden geschrieben! Is of no importance from domain * that the parameter is instead! Used from any client Registerkarten auf der CMC-Startseite sehen externe Programme registriert und ausgefhrt, was sehr Log-Dateien! To get a notification once i publish the next part of the files, the! Is described below Knowledge Base Article once i publish the next part the! On that will use the Gateway is started, it rereads both security,! Durchzuarbeiten und daraufhin Zugriffskontrolllisten zu erstellen, kann eine kaum zu bewltigende darstellen... And rdisp/mshost im Anschluss begutachtet und daraufhin die Zugriffskontrolllisten schrittweise um jedes bentigte erweitert... 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