Let me start with a word of advice: DONT DO IT. I found my regular doctor because I was looking for an AME. Delaying your AME appointment over several weeks to gather the right information can eliminate months of review by the FAA. The only truthful answer is yes, most every night. Perhaps most problematic is that these medications are disqualifying in and of themselves. I am very curious. I gave up on my dreams. From the details they ask about, you would think you were applying to be an astronaut. Now a question: Should 80+ year old pilots with type II diabetes, hypertension, a coronary artery stent or two, on 3-4 medications be allowed to fly a 6000# gross weight airplane with 5 passengers up to 14,000 feet, VFR or IFR without having had a medical exam by an AME? Compared to all causes of death, these are infinitesimal numbers. No, of course you should not lie to your AME, but you should find one who knows how to work with you, and the FAA, to successfully maneuver around those inevitable issues which are bound to come up from time to time during a life of flying. I know this Pilot who has type 1 Diabetes which requires insulin injections daily, drinks alcohol every night, takes an antidepressant, and every afternoon gets the shakes. There are also considerations for appeal to the National Transportation Safety Board, but this option will be also be dependent on discontinuation of the disqualifying medication and your ability to develop an argument that the underlying diagnosis was not accurate. AMCD will consider much more than the information you submitted in MedXPress and your AMEs exam findings. If your application passes AMCDs scrutiny, the certificate your AME issued will remain valid for a period of time determined by your age and the type of certificate you applied for. In-case if you ever get into an accident the FAA/NTSB will look through all your medical history and do a thorough check on that pilot meaning they want to look at every doctor visit and all medications you have been on. That is an entirely different responsibility that warrants a real physical exam. but I was frustrated because a desk bureaucrat figured they knew more about my health than 3 doctors who had recently examined me with aviation in mind.. I lost my younger years flying and now the hoopes I have to jump through is unbeleveable.I really love flying but the government can take the privelage away its not right. I think that FAA should be concerned about this difficulty in people. The Aerospace Medical Certification Subsystem (AMCS) has been enhanced to provide the capability to print Airman Medical or Airman Medical and Student Pilot Certificates. Fess and get a special issuance if necessary. FAA Disqualifying Conditions: Bipolar Disorder. According to Dr. Guillermo J. Salazar, the federal flight surgeon for the Southwest Region, applicants filling out Form 8500-8 often skip Block 17, which asks about medications, rather than spill the beans. Coronary heart disease that has been treated or, if untreated, that has been symptomatic or clinically significant, Disturbance of consciousness without satisfactory explanation of the cause, A personality disorder that is severe enough to have repeatedly manifested itself by overt acts, Transient loss of control of nervous system function(s) without a satisfactory explanation of the cause. He had diabetes. If after that the FAA denied your application, you can seek reconsideration of that denial by making a few substantive arguments. Indeed, in 2000 the Aeromedical Certification Division granted twice as many 'special issuance' certificates to pilots who had a significant medical condition, like coronary heart disease, a valve implant, a pacemaker, or alcoholism, as it did 10 years earlier. Those marathons at age 26 paid off. Pilots lying on the there 1st 2nd and 3rd class medicals happens all the time, and it happens just as much as people going to MEPS for the Military. When a government becomes oppressive, intransigent, and unreasonable, allowing no recourse beyond its edicts, eventually people react. I can meet Class 1 if I fib. FAA needs to justify their man hours.with scapegoats. In addition to providing your name, address, recent doctor appointments and hospitalizations, and details about your medical history, you will also need to acknowledge several warnings. And, actually, the FAA is making Special Issuance less of a problem for certain diseases. I was diagnosed with PTSD from my service in the infantry Vietnam in 1968/1969 and have received counseling for it. What can some shrink tell me about myself that I dont already know? Now I prefer Wingwalking. For Uncle Sam, though, this is anything but a judgment call. Type 2 diabetes, with oral medication, receiving a special issuance every year, until this last one, when the FAA generously determined my AME could recertify me, annually, for five years. When that syndrome is cured, much of what is wrong at FAA will be cured. When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. Id had apnea for several years, napped daily once or twice. Wish I would have! I cheeted on a eye test flowen with out a incedent. Maybe you think, John, that flying an aircraft with the grandkids by a pilot with diabetes, high blood pressure, 20/50 vision, and a coronary artery stent or 2 is just fine without jumping through the FAA hoops. I WAS A BIRD DOG PILOT IN VIETNAM FOR 3+ YEARS WHEN I WAS SENT TO THE DECK BY SMALL ARMS FIRE. So, easing up on the medical requirements would be based on real world situations. In other words, your health is in your hands. The Aviation Medical is the most expensive physical exam I have ever had and also the least thorough medical exam I have ever had. If the FAA wants to do the medical process it should be strictly for airlines or commercial pilots for the first and second class medical. Just do want everyone does to get into the military hide the truth. What Are the Chances of and Penalties for Getting Caught Lying on an FAA Medical? AS for moving the old trainers into the light sport rules is not really a great option either, just get some training and rent a light sport. He was a commercial pilot flying 727s. It's safer to allow people to self-disclose and get help, rather than non-disclosure and possibly flying impaired. I for one, not being a medical doctor, place my trust in my AME and my PCP. That process will have to be repeated every year. Give blood, nope, they do tests on it, might find something. The FAA has created an atmosphere that not only encourages problems to go unchecked and unreported, but actually makes some of those problems worse by discouraging pilots from addressing them, instead allowing them to fester. Deliberate falsification on the medical form is a crime punishable by imprisonment and large fines (read the form, folks), and any losses wont be covered by your insurer. But what happens when the FAA lies. That would shut them down for good. So why disclose it here on an open forum? Im also struggling with depression. HIPPA Law prevents them from looking at your medical history without your consent. And, actually, the FAA is making Special Issuance less of a problem for certain diseases. One of the greatest fears among aspiring and qualified pilots is not being issued or losing their medical certificate. If one does lie this is an example of what could happen facing fines of up to $250,000,and possibly up to 5 years of federal imprisonment,and certificate revocation. You definitely need to be in pretty good shape physically and mentally to be PIC, but I am really discouraged by the heavy-handed, intrusive, and IMHO borderline incompetent way the special issuance process works. The problem with the medical certification process is that on the one hand the questions are so stringent i.e. I do medicals on two pilots who went on a vigorous diet and lost weight. Contact an aviation medical examiner (AME) early if you have doubts or questions. We have a very good AME in our area. Avoid Medical Certification Delay. Throwaway account for obvious reasons. Special Issuance hoop jumping is expensive. I completely agree with you. You can ask the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute for statistics on fatalities in which medical conditions were either the direct cause or a contributing factor. If I remember correctly, being off antidepressant medication for 6 months or longer makes the problem that required the medication no longer an issue. Like driving big trucks and boats have no such pseudo-medical crap. Needless to say, I dont have my class 3 medical now. Robert Davis Travel Management Consultant, 2023 Executive Flyers +1 (512) 241-0795. It is strongly advised that you seek the opinion and advice of a qualified aviation medical examiner and appropriate medical physician for any medical needs you may have. I have all kinds of things happen to me and I can not possibly put them all down or even remember them. If I wanted to continue learning to fly I had to pay to visit a nomiated CAA doctor. But sharing them with the FAA is detrimental to your health. It revealed an abnormality. I then had to take an echo, which revealed I was even healthier than I thought! However, a few years later when I needed to take a 2nd class physical, I could not pass because of the hearing problem and the AMI made an appointment for me with the FAAs regional medical representative. I am probably am the only one who will answer that I like to go for the medical because if forces me to go to the doctor. The hypocrisy at the FAA hurts general aviation in lots of ways. Note, denial is different from deferral. Due to the self-reporting nature, the chances of getting caught lying on an FAA medical aren't very high. Many pilots get away with submitting false information on their MedXPress applications. Coud be they are asking to much, to elimate the third class medical?. Since my late 30s, I have taken meds to control my blood pressure. Bury the third class in favor of drivers licenses, who cars come with inches of mine, go against lights, etc. Typical government bull-. A large gray area separates these two extremes, however. If it makes you feel any better, the doctors office transposed two numbers in the date of the exam. My AME is like a brother to me and a damn good doc to boot Lamentably, if I have something which could be a liability to me on my next medical, I can not ask my AME/best friend about my problem, and discuss it with him. If they can get and autopsy on the pilot, they look for blood levels of the medications found at the crash site as well as illicit drugs that might be found in the pilots blood. The smart ones do. I dont think its ever been a question about whether pilots lie. Those pilots who lie on the FAA exams are likely to lie to themselves if/when they self certify etc. It was a more difficult process than if I had done it 20 years prior. Neither one can tell me exactly what it is I have to do to get my medical / student certificate now. How Likely is it that the FAA will Catch You? or special licenses for either of those vehicles if they are used recreationally (with the exception of a written test for air brake endorsement, if so equipped). 99.999999% of pilots can and should self-certify for 3rd class flying. I have also been on a special issuance First Class Medical for three years now. Should I be worried? All medical certificates are valid for 60 months, unless youre 40 or older the day you get it (then its 24 months). When learning to fly originally I was not even made aware this nor the NPPL was available. He exists to remove one of the joys of my life. The problem is cured now; they should be concerned when the problem exists not after the fact. Crashing airplanes? speaks to mental disorders of any sort. It goes on to give examples of depression, anxiety, etc. The FAA typically expects applicants to also identify at question 18m. Gee I wonder how many Pilots become depressed because of the hasseles from the FAA. Sometimes I think its not necessary for ATC people to have medicals. An exam for a third class medical certificate with a student pilot certificate can cost between $75 and $150. I am a rental pilot as well, and unfortunately, there are no sport rentals available, and they are too expensive to buy. A separate authorization request is required for each record released to any third party (physician, insurance company, employer, etc.) If you have a condition which COULD result in a denial then get it checked out because you have a potential medical condition that could be a problem with you living. They generally do not spend a significant amount of time reviewing each one. Before submitting your application, you will be required to review the penalties above, certify that you know the FAA will be scrutinizing your medical history, and authorize the National Driver Register to provide the FAA with a copy of your driving record. Any law or rule, which is widely viewed by those subject to its enforcement as being unfair, unjust, capricious and arbitrary, because it has no basis in fact, will be disrespected and thus unenforceable. Friend of mine had a partner in his business who owned a beautiful Cessna 182. As a result, I had to take an EKG. Ultimately, if you have a condition that you know will result in denial, become a sport pilot. The MedXPress application In order to understand how likely it is the FAA would catch you lying, it is important to understand how they would catch you. Did you tell the FAA you snore? Hmm cant spell worth a darn mostly dumb fingers will that get me rejected??? Online posts, including anonymous posts and posts made here on APC, have been used in lawsuits against unions. The AME Guide explains that the question pertains to unexplained unconsciousness. A pilot might reason, for example, that the antidepressant he's taken for months hasn't caused any side effects and actually makes him more mentally fit to fly, a safer pilot. Additionally, the one who was honest is punished. I started flying and was completely awe-stricken. Signed, RN/PPSEL/IFR. Thus, agencies such as the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Federal Bureau of Identification (FBI), for example, will most likely still be able to see your expunged records. I stopped learning to fly as I did not have the additional funds to have the CAA medical. That is when the truth will come out. So do we really want 10+% of our commercial pilots to be flying with untreated major depressive disorders? An attorney that focuses on FAA medical denials may be able to guide you through the process and work with the FAA to achieve certification. Im no danger to anyone because I dont particularly like myself. Anyway if your willing I have a ton of questions for you. You can mail or fax your request for aircraft records or Request Copies of Aircraft Records online. Experts offer these tips: When he isn't flying, Paul Engstrom writes and edits from Sebastopol, Calif. Im not dumb enough to eat a big meal then jump right into a plane for the flight back unless it is one with a toilet and someone else is flying! My ex lied and never mentioned it. If you have more than two DUIs you are disqualified for good unless you can get the FAA to budge which is rare I have known people who have had this happen to them. Bicycle accident deaths 700 But, it was not the fault of the FAA, it was mine for not verifying the doctors statement before submitting it. Theyre just scared something is going to happen in the air. Im an AME. Office hours M-F 8:30am - 5:00pmOur Privacy Now Ive been unemployed for a couple months and who knows how long before some beaurucrat decides to actually look at my file snd say ok. Ive followed all the steps they dictated,all my tests and results are right on but because they wont simply look and see that Ive followed thrie rules and was honest,Im looking at becoming a burden to the system and living on public assistance until I get my medical back. I hope the AOPA and the EAA will also move quickly, and I want to thank both organizations for this effort. Your family and friends consider you more important than any flying you may do. Good Luck. Good guy, good doc, been at it a long time, Im healthy and got my 3rd class. I dont think the FAA realizes that pilots arent average human beings. The additional costs associated with FAA medicals will reduce flying time for many of us there goes the proficiencey issue again. A separate authorization request is required for each record released to any third party (physician, insurance company, employer, etc.). If you have any concerns about your next FAA flight physical, contact us to find out the best way to prepare. On a related note, has anyone used an aeromedical service company to help obtain/renew a medical certificate? astronaut training. I flew for 16 years in the Air Force with a known heart murmur that I know would preclude me form a civilian 1st class. Have no such pseudo-medical crap FAA is detrimental to your health is in your.... Dont particularly like myself me about myself that I dont already know you mail... Learning to fly I had done it 20 years prior is it that the question pertains to unexplained unconsciousness think. 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