Mowich River Camp to Longmire-34.91 miles/8,720. Check the conditions. All photos copyright Sarah Brouwer and me. Legal travel provider on the territory of United States (California Seller of Travel License # 2112795-40) since 2013. Since then, I always know what Im in for, and I warned everyone else in advance. That means averaging 30=plus miles and 9,000 feet of elevation gain per day. DAYS OUT IN DORSET Joy Parsons 1981 1st PB illust. Tami Asars, author of Hiking the Wonderland Trail and a Washington Trails magazine correspondent has these tips to add when trying for a Wonderland itinerary: Multiple itineraries. With the rivers running higher as the day progressed, this posed a problem for people crossing the river later in the day. Submit a clear, neat application. Arguably one of the premier views of the iconic peak is from the Goat Rocks Wilderness | This photo was taken during my first Pacific Crest Trail thru-hike in 2007. Pain and Suffering: Wonderland Trail in 3 Days, Wonderland Trail 2010: the "selfie" 3 day hike, Wonderland Trail in 3 Days: Jul 20-22/2021 (#33). Once we passed Mike and my previous turnaround point, we were back again in unknown territory until we reach Old Desolate above Mystic Lake. Be sure to check the, received its fitting moniker a century ago to the year (1920) when, The requests are then processed in random order, meaning that there is no guarantee of success. Obstacle Wonderland is pleased to bring you the best in Obstacle Course Racing, Trail Running, and More! Hi Scott, It is a strenuous hike with lots of elevation gain and loss, through lowland forests and valleys and into high alpine and sub-alpine areas. The Wonderland Trail is a true gem of the Pacific Northwest. As the sunlight waned, we worked our way up our final 2,000 foot climb over 3ish miles. The temperatures were mild but not too cold at night; my minimalist fastpack kit was just right for the conditions. Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:44 am. #tokul #mtb #r, Goose chase before the snow arrived! Felpudo, RichP, zimmertr. mauderunner, Musings About 2020: Pandemic, Turmoil, and Running. Tolmie Peak Lookout has one of the best vantage points of Rainier. Privacy Policy. I also ate a bunch of chips. After the climb, everything caught up with me. The trail starts rather anticlimactically by running along the road for a bit, and then starts heading up Rampart Ridge (and ironically taking us right by Cougar Rock campground). OUR HERITAGE 3 DORSET CHURCHES E.T,Long 1970 1st PB illust. The Wonderland Trail takes place entirely within the boundaries of Mount Rainier National Park. I found it all. Reservations must be made at least 2 days in advance of the trip start. For day hiking, no permits are required other than the Mt Rainier National Park entrance fee (or the Annual National Park Pass). Crossing the bridge was a thrill, and we all acted like children squealing and laughing as we bounced our way across one at a time. It sits in an open meadow at 5,300 feet above sea level. It's included as an option here because camping somewhere along that section of the PCT can be useful for making a loop by . So, when we got there, we decided to wait for the group to be whole again so we could be assured of everyones safety. Twenty miles into the day the Wonderland Trail crosses pavement at Box Canyon. Your email address will not be published. Thanks for the great guide as usual Swami! system, open mid February to early March every year. Ugh. The meadow had been used in the 19th century by the Cowlitz and Nisqually tribes. During its 93 mile (150 km) course, it passes through a diverse collection of ecosystems ranging from temperate rainforests to subalpine meadows to alpine tundra, and includes a breathtaking, knee-wobbling 46,000 ft (14,021 m) of total elevation gain and loss. Favourite model of the Cascadias since the 9th edition was released in 2014. Over the 2 miles from Mystic to the Winthrop, we powered on hoping we would arrive before the days warmth increased the rivers levels too much. Here we have an aid station and a 3:00 pm cutoff for runners . At camp Wendy and I conferred. Oh well. About halfway through the climb, we bumped into another woman, Rachel, who was also doing the Wonderland in three days, but she was solo on her trek. When my alarm rang at 5 a.m., I drank another bottle of water. Trip Report: Wonderland Trail in 3 Days Trip Report Where: Wonderland Trail When: September 20-22 2020 Distance: 93 Miles, 25,000 ft of gain Conditions: Mild. Following the lottery, the remaining campsites open for reservations in late April. And then suddenly we were at Louise Lake! My trip would never have happened if it were just me out there, alone and without purpose. Top. For reference, if you plan for 10 days, youll need to average 9 miles per day. ~18 miles total out and back from Kautz Creek Trailhead. Rainier's Wonderland Trail. Just wanted to thank you for a great guide, once again. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 18 h 54 min to complete. My totals were 101 miles with over 25,000 of climb for the 3 days. Use the Wilderness Trip Planner to help you sketch out your trip. It seemed possible that we would have to turn back and give up on our trip. I finally caught them after a couple of miles and enjoyed their spontaneous rap songs (with Skat Master Sarah as DJ) and silliness. The Wonderland Trail is 93 miles (150 km) long and encircles Mount Rainier. Perhaps two-thirds of the way up out of the canyon, theres a wash out that makes for a bit of a spicy eighth of a mile. For a 2-week hike, you can cut the mileage down to about 7 miles per day. The Wonderland Trail makes its way through all the major geological zones from lowland forests to sub-alpine meadows with its cumulative gain of roughly 23,000 feet. The water was so forceful that we could hear boulders rolling underwater. There are more than 500 miles of hiking trails in Shenandoah National Park, climbing up to granite summits or running down into the park's characteristic woodland hollows. This climb differed from many on the trip in that it didnt switchback up along the canyon side; it essentially followed a straight line along the side of the river, simply continuously climbing all the way. Cloudless view on Mt Rainier from Mt Fremont Lookout Trail, USA, The peak of Mount Rainier in the Mount Rainier National Park behind the Ohanapecosh River, Washington. I highly recommend eating at Wildberry restaurant, located just down the road from Longmire Wilderness Information Center (7.6 mi / 14 minutes drive). A bit ironic, but my favorite part was the Spray Park detour. The, : Yes. Without a doubt, Moraine Parkwith Moraine Creek, wildflowers, and incredible views of the Mountainwas a highlight. Take some time to enjoy the Mowich section, where you can restock with your food cache at the patrol cabin, catch up with friends over lunch by the picnic tables, or take a stroll around the many trails here. The one caution I didnt see in the article is that snow can often covers long sections of the trail through much of July and you can easily get off track especially in white-out conditions. Wei. There were Wonderland Trail signs along the way, marking our expected interactions with the day hikers and tourists. You can take the time to soak in the sights and allow for a still challenging but rewarding trip. Highest Elevation: 6,750 ft (2,060 m) Panhandle Gap, Lowest Elevation: 2,320 ft (720 m) Ipsut Creek Campground. There was lots of discussion about the pros and cons of starting points and directions, but ultimately we chose to start and end at Longmire and to go clockwise. 7-Day Free Trial Gaia GPS Premium Out and Back Podcast Gaia GPS Everything You Need to Know About Satellite Communicators December 1, 2022 Adventures Eva zu Beck Raw Adventure's post stats : RUNNING THE WONDERLAND TRAIL Part 2: The Crisis By the time I reached camp at the end of day one it was already dark I had spent the last few miles wobbling around more than running my head spinning my body drained Everything had been fine up until the afternoon I had been feeling pumped excited for be out in the . We then headed off toward our last climb of the trip. The latest gear, trips, stories, and more, beamed to your inbox every week. Region: Pacific West (Mount Rainier National Park, Washington) Length: 93 miles (7-10 days) Wonderland Trail GPX File Download Physical Difficulty: Moderate Our dates ended up being at the tail end of a week-plus of high temps for the region, and our first two days were pretty toasty. Fun little sketchy section on Between Two Ferns Mike encouraged me to make the call the next morning, and see how I felt after a nights sleep. When I was in my 20s, I went on two backpacking trips with my brother, Rob, and his friend, Kip, in the High Sierras of California. Currently the Carbon River Road is washed out and closed to all access, including hikers, but check the. Rainier). This northerly section is often done as the Northern Loop Trail, taking alternate routes from the Wonderland Trail to make a round trip path. Distance: 93 miles. I responded with a miserable, I dont care. Just as we arrived at the parking lot of Sunrise Visitor Center, my stomach called BS and I puked up the little that was left in my stomach into the bushes. Basically, everything between Summerland and Indian Bar are part of what I consider heaven on earthbeautiful meadows, high alpine ecosystems, stellar views of the Mountain! Destination: Miles: Elev: Difficulty: Style: Spray Park: 8 mi: 1,700 ft: Strenuous: Map and compass are not enough in this terrain and the type of weather one experiences there. If you choose to explore the Wonderland Trail on a multi-day trip, youll need a. to use any of the 18 campsites right next to the trail. Required fields are marked *. Ex.Con. At approx 13 lbs (incl food), this ultralight kit is essential for this way could I pull this off at age 66 with a 30 lb pack. Rainier National Park, eat at the National Park Inn at Longmire, sleep at Cougar Rock Campground. It is a delightful expedition across landscapes extraordinaire, through blossoming fields of color, mountainous ridges highlighted with bear grass, clear alpine lakes - all shadowed by the dramatic peaks of Mount Rainier. I wish I had some definitive, trademarkable bit of wisdom to share, but I dont. My feet were screaming at me, causing me to occasionally stop and flex them and breathe, but I felt strong. We first headed up to Emerald Ridge, which was breathtaking! When to go: July-September. Unless the mother of all storms is upon you (and even then Id consider it), take the Spray Park Alternate route between Carbon river and Mowich lake. Theres also a Wonderland Trail page on FB with lots of ongoing discussion, tips, trail reports, etc. When our friend, Marna, did the Wonderland last year, the Mowich bridge was out and it made for a sketchy crossing. Those things always happen so quickly, and luckily she slid into a tree which stopped her downhill progress. For the entire trip, we clocked in a total of 34 miles, 9,967 feet of ascent, 10,001 feet of descent and countless memories. River crossings. I desire medium danger If youre experienced, in good shape, and carrying a lightweight pack, this is not as difficult as many would believe, due to the fact that the trails three frontcountry campgrounds are fairly evenly spaced around the circuit. Irrespective of when you hit the trail, come prepared for wet and cold conditions. There was no way I was going to be able to continue the next day. Its higher, tougher, and more scenic than the official trail. To follow the quieter, official Wonderland Trail, continue around Mowich Lake to Ipsut Creek. Tentatively on the docket for the year: Your email address will not be published. to help you prepare. As for me, I left camp queasy, uncertain, and determined. I havent had a case of the backcountry trots since 1999 I think a big reason is the diligent use of hand sanitizer. She also shared that she was the first person the teenaged boy had found after his father was swept into Winthrop Creek, and that it continued to weigh heavily on her mind. Sarah noted that we were like Beyonce until she came along, and now we were just what was left of Destinys Child. Once again I am thankful to be healthy enough to pull off another 3 day transit of Mt. Cheers, Id been hearing great things about it for the previous year or two, and decided to give it a try. In 2019 I completed the trail in 3 nights/4 days, with multiple 26+ mile days. Good places to do this are at Mowich and Sunrise. Double thumbs up. At St. Andrews Lake, we encountered a family of four (the kids were 6 and 8). At Box Canyon, we marveled at all the people and cars and used flush toilets and washed our hands with soap and water. Enter your email address to subscribe to The Hiking Life and receive notifications of new posts to your inbox. Given its hydrological preeminence, its no surprise that one of the regions native tribes, the Puyallup people, refer to the mountain as, Interested in a celebratory meal after completing the Wonderland Trail? The Wonderland Trail quickly became popular with hikers. It was clear to me that my trip was up. The One Subscription to Fuel All Your Adventures. YOU'RE IN!!! DORSET TOWN TRAILS Chris Jesty 1985 1st PB illust. Stage: 93 Miles, 3-Day . Marmots.. Situated in the heart of Washington State, Mt Rainier National Park draws hikers ranging from local residents to out-of-state and international travelers. There was a work crew on the other side of the river, and they were there to install a railing to make the crossing safer. Allow 10 to 14 days to hike the entire trail, depending on your daily average. Check your email to get access! It can be completed in 7-10 days. Daily elevation gains and losses of over 3,500 feet are common. The Wonderland Trail crosses numerous ridges and valleys, generally taking 8-12 days to complete. ft.) includes quite literally every exchange Aleson ever received. He was quite plump and cute! Rainier, that shows off its volcanic nature as well as its meadows and forests and glaciers. 17 of 40 Pyramid Peak, Washington I had driven up from Portland to congratulate my girlfriend Keiren and her friends on a successful 3-day circumnavigation of Rainier on the Wonderland Trail, then stayed the next morning to add on this solo adventure before heading home. I judge myself to be in decent shape from hiking, biking and skiing. At this point, they said that we could make our own decision about whether to cross, but it was an adult decision that would be made by informed adults. The right people enhance the experience and make each moment bigger, better, and simply more fun. You decide. Angel, Tim, and Elly headed back down toward Summerland and their cars, and we headed onward. If you want to apply for an advance permit, you must apply online on the wilderness permit reservation system. White Rabbit Chronicles (2012 - 2019) is a series by Gena Showalter. You can watch summit climbers find their way up the Emmons Glacier, or watch the sunrise from the insta-popular Mt Fremont Lookout. It had been a while since I did a CCW route, so the views were fresh. At its high point, the Wonderland Trail passes over Panhandle Gap, just shy of 6,800 feet. Currently the Carbon River Road is washed out and closed to all access, including hikers, but check the park website for updates. Once you reach Spray creek you will see the falls up to your left. First up, the westerly stretch from Longmire to Carbon River is filled with deep forest walks, glacial rivers, and colorful subalpine meadows. Tips for Preventing and Treating Tick Bites, Trail Runners Vs. The trail is relatively smooth, its not too steep, its all downhill, and its the homestretch. Mount Rainier is an exceptionally popular permit Photo: thinair28/E+ via Getty Images. My husband had hiked down to the Mowich a couple of weeks earlier to check out the crossings there. Mowich Lake. 2. Hey Swami. Elly, Angel, and Tim quickly caught up with us, and it made for cheery conversation to catch up with them. 3:00 PM Reel Reviews, 02 . That's exactly what the Wonderland Trail is: a 93-mile (150 km) trek around Mt Rainier, the most glaciated peak in the lower 48 states. Spray Park. My feet were hot and sore and felt blistered. In recent years, Ive covered the section along the Carbon River to the Carbon Glacier, the section between Frying Pan Creek Trailhead and Box Canyon five times, and the section from Sunrise to Mystic Lake. Our climbing was essentially done! Timberline Trail in a day - 44 miles (with detour) with 9600 ft. of gain Grand Loop in two days to test our fast packing gear and sleeping arrangements - 46.6 miles with 13, 027 ft. of gain Eagle Creek to Wahtum Lake - 28 miles with 4134 ft. of gain. Redirecting to /r/WildernessBackpacking/comments/tu41vu/wonderland_trail_how_do_you_create_a_multiday/i32e3rn (308) You guys are all the BEST! This side of the mountain is less visited because the Westside Road, which used to provide access to the west-side trailheads, is closed to cars since it was damaged by floods years ago. In another half mile, we arrived at Reflection Lakes. Beautiful views. I got my answers in the middle of the trip, when I hit my low point and puked in the bushes outside the Sunrise Visitor Center parking lot. My Strava stats: Day 1: Longmire to White River (CCW)-34.77 miles/8,787..Day 2: White River to So. You are constantly either going up or going down. 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